Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What If America Fails?

The question in many social circles is unthinkable, and in others still, treason.  Why is that?  The idea that such a question is so ridiculous sounding and "extreme" is a symptom of the failures of government Ron Paul's November 2012 farewell address points to in front of the House of Representatives.

Let's think seriously about this hypothetical.  The founding of our Constitution was on undeveloped land over 200 years ago, far from serious threats, and plenty of room to stretch.  If our government fails, there is nowhere to set sail, nowhere to stretch out, and no protection for new beginning on earth.  This is all we have.  If our government descends into the depth of misery that is projected, then the cascade of potential tragedies becomes blindingly huge.  Your imagination should be sufficient, you don't have to rely on me to conjure examples.

If that scares you a bit, then you're doing it right.  If you have no reaction to the thought of a failed United States government, then it's up to you to wonder why.  But, I know why I would ignore something like this.  I would ignore this had I not had a background in political science.  I would ignore this if I was not taught at my university that written and spoken news is vastly superior to what somehow still passes for news on television.  I would ignore this if I didn't have a background in history that shows what it takes to earn freedom, and more foreboding, what happens when freedom and liberty is lost.  I would ignore this if I believed it just couldn't happen.  But, based on what I see in politics, attitudes of the ignorant, and the economy; how could this not fail?  If you are unchallenged by this, I challenge you now, look at this country with new eyes.

We live in an age of distraction and complacency unrivaled throughout the ages.  It is easier now, more than ever before, to find satisfaction in ignorance.  I believe I have grown up in a generation that was given every opportunity to avoid reality.  Reality, in the broadest sense, is the beginning to growth as an individual thinker.  Reality allows people to consider their life priorities.  Reality allows people to measure themselves, their talents, their weaknesses, and their hopes and dreams against the world in which they live.

In other words, I hope to remind people that invincibility is impossible, especially to something man-made like the land of the free and the home of the brave, but that does not mean it's not worth saving.  Good can come from man, but never has good come from selfish ignorance.

I believe the United States government can fail.  And if there's anything I can do to keep our Constitution alive, I will.  Will you?

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