Sunday, September 23, 2012

Highest Grossing Films

The wonderful world of radio brought cinema discussion into my ears one day.  They talked about the "surest" grossing genre in cinema.  They asked me to guess, and I couldn't get it.  Was it action?  Was it romance?  Comedy?  Romantic comedy?  Horror?  None of the above.  It's children's computer generated 3D.  Cars, Toy Story, Madagascar; you know them.  They are almost sure investments.  And that's what the entertainment industry has come to.  When was the last time you saw a very bad movie?

In other words: this is a result of the unstoppable power of capitalism.  Think about it: CGI (computer generated images) are only getting better and better, and while they are incredibly expensive you always get what you pay for, celebrity voice acting, and some of the best writing in the industry (capable of writing in clever quips for adults while captivating a child's mind) makes this enticing to every member of the family.  Investors want to be so safe and so sure in their risk, that risk is a minority factor.  This is the result of trial and error, perfection of a well-oiled money-making machine.  It's amazing!  However, the new battleground for innovation and creativity appears to be on television.  Shows like Spartacus, Game of Thrones, True Blood, and any CSI ever are where any entertainment seeker should look to have a good time that isn't based on numbers spewed from a diabolical mathematical formula.

Spartacus has to be the best historical fiction since Gladiator or The Patriot.  A heartbreaking tale off screen might pique your interest before anything else about the plot.  It breaks dialogue and relationship boundaries that simply cannot be done on the big screen, and entertains just as well and at times better than even the most seasoned franchises.

Game of Thrones is based on a series of novels by George R. R. Martin.  The man is a genius of sorts in his representation of less than ideal characters clinging to absolutely ideal character traits that unravel in unexpected ways.  The characters speak with such exact purpose and scale that you'll beg your friends to catch up to the newest season for their own sake.

True Blood is actually a bit of a formula, but it's not one people mind.  This drama series has revolutionized soap operas by combining fantasy style with romantic fantasy, and the blend has people forgetting when the next Twilight movie comes out on DVD.  The characters stand out to portray the desires of the lowest common denominator demographic, yet no one complains.

CSI is the new Law & Order.  The characters have more personal issues and have a modern perspective on moral situations with a solid base of old-fashioned justice.  Many people can tune into these shows at any 5 minutes and watch the rest, only to wish they had seen what was missed.  That's not to say that CSI doesn't play the numbers; each franchise is tailored to fit your personal interests and style - if you don't like any of them, then law & order style entertainment probably isn't for you.

If you haven't been watching television for a long time, then the DVD sets I could recommend would keep you busy for months, but I will say if you find yourself with even a bit of free time, believe me, these series can excite any emotion you've left idle in the interim.

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